Glass screen, tempered glass or methacrylate, which one to choose?

Glass screen, tempered glass or methacrylate, which one to choose?

The anti-contagion protection screens are part of the furniture of offices and stores. They constitute an aesthetic and effective solution separating the shared work spaces or public attention to avoid possible contagions.

In the market we can find different models of partitions. It is important to choose the right design for our business, but even more important to distinguish the material in which it is made. This will determine whether it is more or less resistant to withstand day-to-day use or whether it can be easily handled.

The protection screens can be manufactured in different materials that determine their properties. The most common are tempered glass and methacrylate.

What is the difference between glass and tempered glass?

Glass screen, tempered glass or methacrylate

Glass screen, tempered glass or methacrylate, which one to choose?

First of all, it is necessary to explain that glass is a naturally occurring material formed by silica sand, sodium carbonate and limestone.

Nowadays there are industrial processes that improve the properties of glass. This makes it possible to have a wide range of types for different applications. One of them is tempered glass, which is highly valued in construction and design.

Tempered glass undergoes a thermal hardening process that renders it extremely resistant; up to five times more than regular glass.

How to know if a glass is tempered?

At first glance it may be difficult to distinguish single glass from tempered glass. Where the difference is apparent is in the breakage pattern. Single glass breaks into large, sharp-edged, sharp-edged pieces, making it dangerous. On the other hand, tempered glass shatters into small, non-cutting pieces; in the event of breakage, it would not cause injury.

The greater the thickness of the tempered glass, the higher the quality. In our store you can find a high quality protective screen from 4 mm thick, or a premium glass screen with a thickness of 6 mm.

Methacrylate screens, an alternative to tempered glass screens

Methacrylate is a plastic material with excellent properties. It is also known as acrylic glass or PMMA. Being translucent, it simulates glass, is impact resistant, very light and moldable, which lowers the cost of production.

The pandemic triggered the manufacture of methacrylate partitions as an economical alternative to glass partitions. However, their quality and durability are in no way comparable. Let’s see why.

Methacrylate protection screen

Differences between a glass screen and a methacrylate screen

Apart from being more robust against shocks and impacts, tempered glass screens are resistant to ultraviolet radiation. However, with sun exposure, methacrylate screens acquire a yellowish tone, which means that they will eventually lose transparency.

As for maintenance, it should be noted that tempered glass screens are easier to clean because they can be cleaned with detergents and disinfectants. And as they do not accumulate static electricity, they do not attract dust, keeping them cleaner for longer. Methacrylate screens should be cleaned exclusively with soap and water.

In any case, the effectiveness of both screens as a barrier to virus transmission has been demonstrated. Choosing one or the other will depend on the type of investment to be made: whether a temporary or long-term solution is preferred.


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